If you are experiencing pain in your neck or back, you are not alone. In recent years, the cases of chronic neck and back pain have significantly increased. Due to this reason, many people are currently interested in finding alternatives to medication for pain relief. Chiropractic treatment is considered an excellent option for managing your pain, especially back or neck pain. It is also found to be effective for other pain that people experience.
So, in this comprehensive guide, we will discuss how a chiropractor Chatham-Kent ON can help you get rid of your neck and back pain.
How Can A Chiropractor Treat Neck Pain?
Chiropractic neck adjustments, also known to be cervical manipulation, helps in loosening up the joints of the cervical vertebrae in the neck region. It can help effectively reduce pain resulting from muscle spasms, pinched nerves, strains, and other factors.
Most neck pain occurs due to poor posture combined with age-related wear and tear. Chiropractors make use of their hands for manipulation of the neck. They place the vertebrae back into alignment, which combats the effects of poor posture along with other factors.
In some cases, the neck pain does not just occur locally. Discomfort can happen for several reasons, like pinched nerves radiating through the shoulder and down the arm. Chiropractors can eliminate these pains by muscle relaxation, repositioning the bones, and lowering the pressure on nerves.
Along with your chiropractic treatment plan, it is recommended to practice home exercises and continual stretching to ensure that your neck pain remains in control. Soft tissue massage works by loosening the muscle knots in the shoulders and neck, which helps relieve the pain you are experiencing.
How Can A Chiropractor Treat Back Pain?
If you are experiencing back pain, then a chiropractor Chatham-Kent ON helps you get relief. Low back pain is one of the most common reasons people go for chiropractic treatment. It is evident from many research studies that those dealing with low back pain can significantly benefit from chiropractic treatment.
So, this treatment can be an excellent alternative to more invasive options such as injections or surgery to treat chronic or short-term back pain. A chiropractor is a specially trained professional who believes that the overall wellbeing and health of the individual are related to the alignment of the spine.
So, these experts can provide pain management for back pain sufferers by incorporating that belief into their treatment approach. They pay special attention to the spine to treat your condition. People suffering from chronic back pain should first seek non-medication treatments before trying any medication.
Some of the recommended chiropractic treatment options are as follows:
- Exercise
- Spinal manipulation (chiropractic care)
- Yoga
- Acupuncture
- Meditation
- Progressive muscle relaxation
- Tai chi
Whenever you experience pain, you should focus on visiting a chiropractic clinic. An experienced chiropractor will first evaluate your condition, and based on it. They will develop a proper treatment plan.
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For effective pain management, you would require multiple visits to the clinic over a long period. Your chiropractor will use forceful pressure on essential parts of your back or other body parts at every visit. This pressure works effectively to realign your spine and manage your intensive pain.
Also, this pressure may be low in force, or maybe abrupt, and may be delivered by hands or with any special equipment’s assistance. There may be the incorporation of massage into your treatment. Before getting started with the treatment plan, you need to talk to your chiropractor about the various methods they are likely to use.
You may also be given:
- Electrical stimulation
- Cold and hot packs
- Recommendations for physical activity
- A change in diet
- Nutritional supplements
Is Chiropractic Treatment Safe?
Chiropractic treatment is safe if you opt for the assistance of licensed chiropractors. They can administer spinal adjustments to your neck safely. Routine chiropractic care can provide you with a non-invasive, safe, non-addictive alternative to pain relief medications.
Chiropractic adjustments help to effectively reduce restrictions of joint or spine misalignments along with other joints. In turn, this can reduce inflammation and improve the functionality of both the nervous system and affected joints. The best part is that it provides your body with the ability to manage discomfort or pain effectively.
How Long Do You Need To Continue This Treatment?
It will depend on your particular condition. Patients experiencing pain because of arthritis, sports injuries, or auto accidents may require long-term care. On the other hand, those who experience pain because of a pinched nerve or postural problems may only require short-term care.
Final Verdict:
So, I am sure you now understand how a chiropractor Chatham-Kent ON can help treat your neck and back pain. The only important thing is to choose a reliable and licensed professional for treating your condition.