Although adult teeth are meant to remain permanently, tooth extraction is a common dental procedure for adults. People have their teeth extracted for any of the following reasons;
- Gum disease
- Tooth decay or infection
- Crowded teeth
- Damage resulting from trauma
If you had a teeth extraction or want to undergo an emergency tooth extraction London, here are certain things you should do after your teeth extraction.
What is the Tooth Extraction procedure?
Before you have a tooth extraction, your dentist will examine your teeth to determine that teeth extraction is the only remedy for your dental problem.
During the procedure, the dentist will administer a local anesthetic to numb the area so that you won’t experience pain. However, you would be awake and aware of your surrounding during the tooth extraction.
If the teeth extraction is for a child or you want to remove more than one tooth, the dentist may decide to administer a strong general anesthetic, so you or the child will be asleep during the procedure.
If the extraction is a simple one, the dentist will use a device called an elevator to move the tooth back and forth until it gets loose, then remove the tooth with the dental practice.
Molars or impacted teeth
If you want to remove an impacted tooth or molar, the dentist may carry out a surgical extraction. During a surgical extraction, the oral surgeon will make an incision to remove the bone tissue and gum covering the tooth, then use forceps to move the tooth back and forth until it becomes loose.
If the tooth is difficult to extract, the surgeon will remove it in bits. If you need a more complex surgical extraction, the procedure would be under general anesthetic.
After the tooth removal, a blood clot will form in the socket. The oral surgeon or dentist will cover the open area with a gauze pad to prevent bleeding – some people may require a few stitches.
Aftercare following an emergency tooth extraction in London usually depends on the type of extraction and location of the extracted tooth. However, you will likely heal within 7 – 10 days. It is essential to keep the blood clot in place in the tooth socket to prevent dry socket, a painful condition.
The following can help speed up the healing process;
- Take prescribed painkillers
- Put an ice bag on the area after the procedure and leave the ice bag for ten minutes at a time. If you leave the ice bag for too long, it may cause tissue damage
- Leave the gauze pad placed by the dentist for about 3 – 4 hours after the procedure
- Rest for at least the first 24 hours after the procedure and reduce your activities for the next few days
- Try not to rinse your mouth, use a straw or spit for the first 24 hours following the extraction
- Rinse your mouth with salt solution 24 hours after the procedure. Mix a half teaspoon of salt in 8 ounces of hot water
- Avoid smoking
- Brush your teeth and floss to prevent infection. However, avoid the extraction site
- While sleeping, elevate your head with a pillow because lying flat can extend the healing time
What food can you eat after tooth extraction?
After tooth extraction, you may want to stick to soft foods such as:
- Puddings
- Soup
- Applesauce
- Yoghurt
You may decide to add smoothies to your diet, but you must take the smoothies with a spoon. After the extraction site heals, you can add more solid foods to your diet. However, it’s best to keep eating soft foods for a week following your teeth extraction.
After 1 – 2 weeks following your teeth extraction, you can eat your regular meals. Within this period, new bone tissues and gum will grow in the extraction site. You may have to think about available options for replacing the missing tooth to prevent the teeth from shifting, affecting your bite.
How to manage pain and discomfort after a tooth extraction?
After your teeth extraction, you may feel discomfort, pain, or soreness at the extraction site, and you may also experience facial swelling.
Your dentist may recommend painkillers and other over-the-counter medications to help reduce the pain or discomfort. If you don’t feel relieved a couple of days after the teeth extraction, contact your dentist so they can rule out an examination.
If you have a dental condition that requires an emergency tooth extraction, visit the Emergency Dentist London today so that a tooth extraction dentist near me can carry out the procedure.