Investing 5-6 years of your life to perfect art is a big investment in terms of time, labor, money, and hope. That is why it becomes paramount that the choices made in this journey are fool-proof, and it primarily includes choosing the right avenue, which is the country and college. The Kazakh National Medical University is that choice that is worth all that investment.
This post attempts to back this claim up with ample evidence, stating the dedication and focus this institution has shown to perfect its knowledge infrastructure. Perhaps this is why it has been, on multiple occasions, been attributed to the #1 for MBBS in Kazakhstan.
Perfecting Medical Disciplines
The Kazakh National Medical University aims to establish a milestone in the history of education (curriculum and pedagogy) as well as medical research and public health. For this particular reason, the university emphasizes the theoretical as well as practical training of students in world-class facilities.
For this purpose, the university has its own clinics and structural units to aid the students pursuing MBBS in Kazakhstan. Here, the latter get ample time and opportunities to carry out medical research and innovations. These departments and clinics include:
- A Clinic of Internal Diseases
- A Children’s Clinic named ‘AKSAY’.
- A Dentistry Clinic
- A Professorial Clinic
- The Asthabarov Scientific Research Institute of Fundamental and Applied Medicine
- Laboratories for Clinical and experimental work
- A Scientific Clinical and Diagnostic Laboratory
- A Molecular Genetics Laboratory named “Center of Collective Use”.
Through facilities like the ones mentioned above, as well as lectures in high-tech classrooms, students are made to perfect their concepts in medical disciplines. Like General Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy and related technologies, International Medical Facilities, Public Health Preventive, as well as Medicine and Nursing Management.
Some other disciplines that students are pursuing an MBBS in Kazakhstan include Pediatrics, Therapy, Stomatology, and Medico-Prophylaxis.
Partnerships to Improve Knowledge Infrastructure
The Kazakh National Medical University constantly strives to make its knowledge infrastructure as robust as possible. For that purpose, it has a number of strategic partners from Kazakhstan and abroad, whose names have been mentioned below:
- Lithuanian University of Health Sciences
- Research Institute of Cardiology and Internal Medicine
- Scientific Center of Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery
- Scientific Center of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Perinatology
- Research Institute of Oncology and Radiology
- Syzganov National Scientific Center
The purpose these tie-ups serve is to ensure that the university is well in line with the globally accepted norms and standards related to medical education, pedagogy, and research facilities.
The Kazakh National Medical University Library
The library in the Kazakh National Medical University plays an important role in improving the pedagogical skills of the teaching staff as well as ensuring that students get the necessary skills the formation of comprehensively developed and highly educated professionals.
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Therefore, the university library leaves no stone unturned when it comes to ensuring the availability of content on its shelves. The best reflection of this claim is perhaps the “Book Fund” that includes a variety of things apart from books like e-books, monographs, dissertations, encyclopedias, reference books, abstracts, journals, newspapers, and manuals.
Students can access a variety of services within this high-tech library, the most important of which have been mentioned below:
- Educational Literature (on the 1st floor)
- Open Access Literature (on the 2nd floor)
- An Internet Room (on the 2nd floor)
- Scientific Literature (on the 3rd floor)
- An Electronic Reading Room (on the 4th floor)
Each reading room in the university library can incorporate almost 1000 readers daily, so students never have to worry about the lack of space and access in the library. What this part of the university also does is make the students learn some important skills and norms that are not taught in class like:
- Medical Deontology
- Ethno science
- Medical Ethics
- How to handle cases of TB and other infectious diseases
- Cultural and spiritual values that act as good communication enhancers; a good weapon in the doctor’s arsenal
- Spiritual Values
Apart from this, the library also makes students aware of all the latest developments in the field of medicine. Thus, those pursuing MBBS in Kazakhstan from this university are up-to-date with all the latest trends, which only contributes to becoming efficient medical professionals in the future.
Accolades Gathered by the Kazakh National Medical University till Date
The accolades that a particular institution gathers over the years are a way to reflect the good work it has been doing over that time. In the case of a university like this one, these accolades are tangible proof of goodwill, trustworthiness. And legitimacy that the Kazakh National Medical University has gained since its establishment.
- Secured 1st place in the training of all specialties requisite in a bachelor’s degree in “Healthcare and Pharmacy.”
- Secured 1st place in the National Rating of Medical Universities.
- The secured 1st place in the National Rating of Educational Programs (Health Care) on 5 educational pre-diploma programs
- Secured 1st place in the Independent Rating of Universities of Kazakhstan
However, this is just the beginning for this university as there are many more accolades in line for this university to accomplish.
Final Words
The main purpose of all the information that has been given above is to hit home the fact that; the Kazakh National Medical University is deserving in every way to be invested in, whether it’s in terms of money, time, labor, or hope. Also, thanks to the constantly evolving curriculum, pedagogy, and research infrastructure. Students will be made to perfect all the latest norms, skills, and knowledge in the field of education.
On top of all this, a modern, high-tech, and rather a vast library makes sure that there is never any shortage of knowledge for the students. Not just in terms of medical disciplines but also life lessons. This library takes every possible step to ensure one thing.
“The doctors this institute sends to the world are not just efficient in solving any and every ailment. But are also sympathetic, empathetic, and overall good human beings.” Thus, there is no reason for someone to ignore this university when it comes to MBBS in Kazakhstan.