When you are playing your favorite video game, it’s easy to forget that your console is a delicate piece of electronic equipment. The image of the gaming world as a grungy and unkempt cave full of hooded teenagers languishing in front of screens has led some people to believe that they are indestructible pieces of kit.
Unfortunately, as anyone who has ever owned one will know, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Whether you have just bought a new PlayStation for the first time or need to upgrade what you have now, there are many different things you can do to ensure your device is cool and protected.
Here are our top tips check out:
Rotate Your Games
One of the most common ways consoles get damaged is by sitting upright on top of a dusty surface for months or years. Dust will accumulate on the console and then get pushed into the various crevices of the machine, causing overheating and short circuits in some cases.
This is often most common with consoles that are not hooked up to a TV, such as a Wii or PlayStation 3, so it is more relevant to you if you play games on a laptop or PC. If you are worried about this, you can rotate your games every few months, or mark them with a pen, so you know when to put them back in the right way up.
Keep It Out of the Sun
While this might seem extreme, it’s incredibly important that you keep your console in a cool and dry place. The sun’s ultraviolet rays can fry the circuits inside your PS4, or cause it to overheat, which can quickly break the whole thing down. To avoid this, don’t keep your console on the windowsill or near any source of direct sunlight.
If you must position it somewhere that gets a lot of suns, you can get special UV-blocking sheets for your windows. If you want to keep your console firmly in the shade, you can also try to angle it away from the sun.
Cleaning Rituals
While you should always be careful not to over-clean your PS4 with water or other cleaning agents, a gentle dusting with a dry cloth every now and then can keep your console free from grime and build-up.
This will not only keep your console looking spic-and-span, but it will also help avoid overheating and may even increase the lifespan of your precious console. If you have a handheld PS4 device, you can use a standard microfiber cloth to wipe it down without risk of damage.
If you have a PlayStation 4 Pro, PS4 Slim, or PS4, you’ll want something that won’t leave lint behind. A microfiber cloth will work just as well as one designed for consoles, but cleaning kits are available online that include everything you need to keep your console clean and healthy.
Use Skin
If you keep your console on a desk or table, you may notice that it sometimes has a scratch on it. This is particularly common if you have a PS4 Pro, as the large vertical design means that everyone who comes into your room will see the bottom rather than the top. If you have a PS4 Pro, you can get accessories that will protect it, such as a ps5 template skin or a cover.
You can also get similar items for the PS4 Slim or use a baseball cap to cover the lower half of your console. If you have a PS4, you can also get special table-top stands that will save the bottom from wear and tear.
Have A Case (Or 2) Handy
While we’re on the subject of accessories, it’s worth having a case for your console. Whether you like to keep it in your living room or you want to transport it to friends’ houses (a good idea if you’re a heavy gamer), having a case will keep it protected from scratches and dust.
While you can get special PS4 cases, you can also get generic cases that can fit any console. If you want to go all-out, you can also get bags with special compartments designed to fit all your gaming goodies, such as your controllers, cables, and games.
Play Diversionary Tactics
We have already covered how important it is to keep your console clean, so we will assume that you are doing that. One of the best ways to protect your console is to use diversionary tactics to disguise it.
If you have a long table that you keep your console on, you can try to disguise it by putting a plant pot on either side of it or by using decor to block it out. You can also put a small tablecloth on your table and drape your console bag over top of it.
Final Words:
Protecting your console is important, especially if you have just spent a lot of money on a new one. It’s worth investing in a few of these tips to make sure that your console survives for years to come.
They will keep your console looking great, if nothing else, which is just as important! If you follow these tips, your PS4 will be cool, protected, and will last for years.